Insomnia After Quitting Alcohol: A Detailed Look at Causes and Solutions

It was also not always clearly stated that subjects were abstinent from cross-tolerant sedatives in addition to alcohol. Insomnia disorders are more likely to have a chronic course, to require independent treatment, and may contribute more directly to relapse during alcohol recovery. If you quit drinking and can’t sleep without alcohol I feel your pain. Years ago, I would frequently succeed in quitting drinking for one day. Later that night, hours after I went to bed, I would get tired of my brain feeling like it was on fire and head to the kitchen to pour myself a drink so that I could finally fall asleep. Alcohol consumption has a complex relationship with sleep, often leading to disrupted sleep cycles and poorer sleep quality.

Restful Nights Are Possible

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men should keep alcohol intake to two drinks a day or less and women stick to one drink or less.
  • While some people find that drinking alcohol helps them fall asleep more easily, alcohol ultimately has a negative impact on sleep.

“Furthermore, consistent use of alcohol to induce sleep only increases the need to use alcohol in the future to get to sleep,” he explains. While some people find that drinking alcohol helps them fall asleep more easily, alcohol ultimately has a negative impact on sleep. can’t sleep without alcohol Even in moderate amounts, alcohol consumed in the hours before bedtime can cost you sleep and leave you feeling tired the next day. You may also be falsely attributing sleep improvements to alcohol, or factors a sleep disorder or poor sleep hygiene are keeping you awake.

can't sleep without alcohol

Can Tracking Your Child’s Sleep Give a Look Into Their Upcoming Day?

Over one-quarter of respondents say they’ve quit drinking for several months or more. Even for those who don’t make it a whole month without a drink, there are noted benefits to sleep quality. Almost one-quarter of respondents say they sleep better if they stop drinking 3-4 hours before bedtime, and 23% say the same if they stop drinking 1-2 hours before bed. About 40% say they notice an impact on their sleep after 3-4 drinks. For individuals seeking to achieve restful sleep without the use of alcohol, natural sleep aids present a viable alternative.

can't sleep without alcohol

Other Benefits When You Stop Drinking

Before we look at the effects of alcohol on sleep in detail, here’s the basic bottom line. The more you drink, and the closer your drinking is to bedtime, the more it will negatively impact your sleep. Even moderate amounts of alcohol in your system at bedtime alters sleep architecture—the natural flow of sleep through different stages.

can't sleep without alcohol

Possible links between alcohol and insomnia

While napping might seem like the answer to your fatigue, moderation is crucial during alcohol withdrawal. Short (20-30 minute) naps early in the day can boost your energy in the afternoon without disrupting your nighttime sleep cycle. But longer naps or napping close to bedtime can backfire, leaving you feeling even more restless at night. Studies suggest that generally, insomnia symptoms are most challenging during the first few days of quitting.

Physical Effects When You Stop Drinking

  • A very high percentage of alcoholics experience insomnia during acute withdrawal as well as post-acute withdrawal, which occurs after detox and can last for up to a year.
  • Staying physically active during the day can help you fall asleep at night, as well as promote overall health.
  • And insomnia may increase your risk of relapse when you quit drinking.
  • Stay away from caffeine, other medication, screen time, sugary foods, stressful activities, and of course, alcohol.

Good Sleep Linked to Longer Life