
A team of 6 of us set out to minimize the time golfers spend on searching for golf balls.

In a study conducted on amateur golfers, they were spending about an hour searching for golf balls in a four-hour long golfing session.

Golf Sunglasses

  • Block unwanted light from the surroundings.
  • Allows the golfer focus on, and spot white areas on the golf course.
  • The glass film is usually tinted with cool colors.
  • A lot of cheap to expensive ($250+) brands and good choices available.

Smart Golf Balls

  • OnCore Golf launched ‘the GENiuS ball’ : that has a hollow cavity inside the ball into which a sensor is fitted. The sensor is connected to a mobile app which lets the golfer know the location of the ball. 
  • The mobile app also tracks ball flight characteristics like- total distance, backspin, initial ball speed and more; providing real-time analytics.
  • Known for their hollow-core technology, leader in their product space.

Laser Rangefinders

  • The Laser Rangefinder uses a laser beam aimed at the target to determine its distance​.
  • A laser is beamed to the target, like the pin, and reflects at the rangefinder. The time taken by the laser to reflect at the device is used to calculate the distance​.
  • Biggest disadvantage: you need to have a direct line of sight to the target you’re measuring it may become cumbersome when stuck behind trees or another obstacle on the course.​

Why is there a need for a new product?

  • In spite of all these products available in the market, golfers still spend a great deal of time searching for their golf balls on the golf course.


  • The products are either too expensive or are unreliable.


  • Almost all of the products are designed to serve a singular purpose.

Golf glasses with ball-tracking and golf analysis technology

Why Proglacers?

  • ProGlacers: Glasses+Tracers


  • The product had to be in the form of glasses as it is impractical to carry anything more than your golfing equipment and your golf glasses.


  • The glasses also needed to pair with your phone (not required to operate), to provide with thorough shot analysis and to stay consistent with other major wearable gadgets.


OLED Transparent Lenses

  • Organic light-emitting diode, the newest generation display technology.
  • Low power requirements while providing vivid images and color without the need for a backlight.


  • Powerful mobile based CPU and chipset.
  • Small form factor and low power requirements while processing incoming data for display.

Onboard Cellular / WiFi Modem

  • Ultra-small form factor chip for connecting to cloud servers via cellular of Wi-Fi networks.
  • Low power requirements and small size allow for smaller ProGlacers frames and battery.

Built-in Laser

  • Low power micro laser built into one side of ProGlacers.
  • Used to determine range on the course where the golfer is looking (range to pin, for example)

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Mobile Application Prototypes

The mobile application will primarily be used for pairing the glasses and advanced navigation to the golf balls.

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